WalkAI is available only to iPhone 14 or higher users, using iOS 14
or newer and are having or had a TKA, THA, or PKA.
Zimmer Biomet is a medical device manufacturer. Zimmer Biomet is not
a medical professional and does not practice medicine.
The objective kinematic data generated by the CTE with CHIRP System
are not intended to support clinical decision-making and have not been
shown to provide any clinical benefit. Not all patients are candidates
for this product and/or procedure. Results will vary due to health,
weight, activity and other variables. Only a medical professional can
determine the treatment appropriate for your specific condition.
Appropriate postoperative activities and restrictions will differ
from patient to patient. Talk to your surgeon about whether joint
replacement is right for you and the risks of the procedure, including
the risk of implant wear, infection, loosening, breakage or failure,
any of which could require additional surgery. For a complete list of
benefit and risk information and to find a health care professional
near you visit www.zimmerbiomet.com or
call 1-800-HIP-KNEE.